Claytonia virginica | SpringBeauty | Fairy Spud | Good Morning Spring | 20_Seeds

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This is Claytonia virginica, also known as Eastern Spring Beauty, fairy spud, Good Morning Spring, Hammonds claytonia, and Virginia Springbeauty. Native Americans and Colonialists ate the croms of these plants. The roots can be eaten raw, in which case the flavor resembles a radish, or they vcan be cooked in which case they have a nutty and potato type of flavor. The leaves and flowering stems can be eaten raw, normally on salads, or cooked and eaten like greens. They are eaten similar to the way we eat potatoes. This plant attracts bees and predatory insects which prey on the pest insects. It is a documented nectar source for the West Virginia White butterfly. USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8